23 June, 2010

ucfirst in mysql

Its quite hard to convert first character of a string to capital in mysql. Same problem existed for me. I however managed to work it out using following sql query. This query is used to capitalize first letter of a string to upper case similar to ucfirst in php.

SELECT CONCAT(upper(substr("test this one.", 1, 1)),"", LOWER(SUBSTR("test this one.", 2, length("test this one."))));

In above query, the string "test this one." can be replaced by the field name while performing query in database.

14 June, 2010

Find if multi-dimensional array is empty

Checking for emptinessin quite simple using php. Following function can be used to check if a multidimensional array is empty or not.
The code loops through all the values in multi-dimensional array to check for empty values.

$food = array(
'fruits' => array('', '', ''),
'veggie' => array('', '', ''),
"test" => ""
//set the empty count to 0
$countEmpty = 0;
//set number of keys count to 0
$countKey = 0;
foreach($food as $key => $val) {
if(is_array($val)) {
//loop through each values inside
foreach($val as $key1 => $val1) {
$val = trim($val);
if(empty($val1)) {
//empty value-- increment the empty value count
//increment the key count
else {
$val = trim($val);
if(empty($val)) {
if($countKey == $countEmpty) {
echo "Array is empty..!";
else {
echo "Array contains".($countKey - $countEmpty)." value(s)";
echo "
echo "Keys:".$countKey."
echo "Empty:".$countEmpty;